Saturday, September 10, 2016

Transitioning Chicka

Hola sunshines! I'm back with another post. This one is more so about my hair than me though. If you've been following me on Twitter and Instagram you have seen that I've decided to go natural. By this I mean that I have decided to give up relaxers. If you don't know, relaxers are a cream containing a strong alkali that breaks down the hair to be permanently straight. It is generally used by African Americans with tight curls or very curly hair to straighten the hair with chemicals. I've had a relaxer for as long as I can remember. Its time to give them up and transition to natural.

Here's the few reasons I'm transitioning to natural:

1 // I want a change.

I'm tired of straight hair. I want to be naturally curly. What better way than to have my "own" curls? I usually do flexirod sets like to the left but I'm tired of having to manipulate my hair to be what it should have been from the beginning.

2 // I'm tired of scabs on my scalp.

I'm tired of scabs. God knows that hurts so bad when you get chemically burned on your scalp. It stays and sometimes its hard to get it to go away. I hate it.

3 // Stunned Growth

I feel like my hair doesn't grow any more than its current stay. I believe if I go natural then my hair will grow more and be more healthier. I think the chemicals is what is stunning my growth. Who knows where my hair could be right now?

4 // Hair Versatility

I can do whatever I want with my hair with no worries about it falling out or straightening back out. I can do twistouts, wear an afro, straighten my hair or do a perm rod set. The world is mine!

5 // It costs less.

Relaxers run you about $60 where I go. & there's no guarantee it will be as straight as I like it to be. I could be buying $60 in natural hair products and stylers. Or better yet I could be spending it on food. There ya go. Food is my answer.

These are a few reasons why I have chosen to go natural. I just want my hair to be healthy, curly and long. I miss my hair being long. & I don't know what my hair was before relaxers. I plan to transition for 30 months (2 years and 6 months). At least to reach a desired goal of hair length before I cut my relaxed ends off. I'm not going to lie to you, if I'm not curly headed I may be disappointed. I'm looking forward to type 3 hair. Even waves will do. When I think of my natural hair, I think of the right picture. I hope it's like that. We'll see though.

I'm also going without heat until April (my one year post relaxer). From now until then, I will be doing perm rod sets and flexirod sets. Currently, I am 5 months post relaxers (6 months on October 1st). As I go through this change in my life, I will be documenting my journey maybe every three months or so. Wish me luck!

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