Wednesday, September 21, 2016


That's how I felt today when I landed two job offers in 10 minutes. Yesterday I had two interviews and I was feeling like I was doing bad in them both. To my surprise, I got to work today and received phone calls from both places. The places are a jewelry store in the mall and a museum.

It was tough deciding which one I would be spending my University time at but I eventually chose the jewelry store over a museum. The museum's pay was a dollar higher but I couldn't see myself selling anything to anyone such as memberships. I'm pretty bad at that although I sold myself in the interview to say that I could (hey, I'm desperate for a second job).

Overall, I'm okay with losing a dollar in pay. I may regret it a little but at least I know I'll be happy where I am doing something I can do.

That's all for now. Have a blessed week everyone! =)

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