Saturday, November 01, 2014

Driving with Reisha

With the help of Spongebob, I want to show you how nervous I am for my upcoming driving test. As I've written before, I failed my driving test twice and I am a new driver. I hope you laugh along with me as you read my experience with driving as a new driver!

When I sit behind the car wheel at my test, 
I become completely immersed in my insecurity.
The police officer is calm on the outside but I know on the inside he or she is like:
& when I fail maneuverability, I can just see the glee in his or her eyes!
"Oh yessss, she failed!" 
& when I pass my road test,
I see the anger and disapproval in their eyes.
But one day, one day soon, I will have my license and life will be grand.
At least I pray for that (I'll probably cry in such glee)
Welcome to my life!