Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Jay-Z's 2014 Grammy Speech VS Society

There has been a lot of generated buzz about this video of Jay-Z's Grammy award acceptance speech. I just want to clarify a few things that some people are too feeble-minded to understand. If you haven't seen the video, press play below:
"I want to thank God, I mean a little bit, for this award." 
This somehow generated a lot of gossip that Jay-Z acknowledges that he is apart of the Illuminati. When I saw comments on the video saying, "I wana thank God, I mean a lil bit??? WTF? Um sir?" and my favorite "anyone notice he said thank God a lil bit." Its like these people did not finish listening to the rest of his speech. They just heard "I mean, a little bit" and automatically assumed Jay-Z wasn't giving as much thanks to God for winning as he had previously. If these people had continued to listen to his speech, Jay-Z clearly said "I want to thank God, I mean a little bit, for this award but mostly for that and all the universe for conspiring and putting that beautiful light of a young lady in my life. And I wanna tell Blue that 'look daddy got a gold sippy cup for you." Anyone with common sense understood that Jay-Z meant he was thanking God a little bit for the award but more so for putting Beyonce in his life. He was thanking God for giving him his wife. That's seriously the best award a man could ask for. 

However, people will still argue that Jay-Z did not thank God for the award because he is a demon spawn sent from Hell to do Satan's will. How ridiculous do you sound? If you do your research, Jay-Z has previously thanked God in album covers, speeches, interviews, etc. Aside from that, I've watched enough of Beyonce's interviews and concerts to know she does thank God the same. Besides, we honestly do not know what they do in private. They're celebrities. They're not able to attend a regular church everyday without being attacked by fans. Moreover, if they did, people would still say they are devil worshipers. What's worse is that it is people of the same race as them that are throwing the Illuminati word around to belittle others. Is society afraid of people with money? Additionally, are they afraid of African Americans with money? If so, I've never heard someone call an African American surgeon a devil worshiper. Also, I've never listen to the radio and heard someone call an African American gynecologist the spawn of the devil. Nor have I ever read about any African American anesthesiologist being called a satanist. These are people with the highest paid jobs in America. Are they apart of the Illuminati also?

To tell the truth, I think society is afraid of people with money. Let alone, African Americans with money. Therefore to cover their fear, society associates anyone who has a lot of money with the Illuminati, claiming the wealthy individual sold their soul and first born in order to be successful and rich. For example, like Kanye West raps in his verse on the song Welcome to the World, "People ask me shit about Illuminati / First off, fuck that mean? / He loved Jesus when he he he was worse off / Oh I see, when they, think a nigga is, stupid rich / People just start coming up with stupid shit." Indeed they do make up ridiculous things like the Illuminati. Even more, people are afraid of something that's not normal to them. 

Moreover, they are expecting African Americans to remain at the bottom of the "unlikely to succeed" chain. Kanye continues in his rap to say that "They'd rather see a nigga locked up / why? for stupid shit." & That is very true. Particularly, African Americans are expected to be thugs, locked up in jail somewhere. Maybe that has become the norm for other African Americans so they are afraid of those who decide to chase after and accomplish their dreams. Nevertheless, its time for people to accept the fact that Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kanye West and every other celebrity in the limelight has worked their asses off to be in the position they are now. Just like us regular people, they have the same 24 hours. Why are you wasting your precious time hating on their success when you could be building your own? Spend more time building your own success instead of sitting on the couch as you do every year picking and assuming from every speech a celebrity gives. They had a chance to do something great and worked hard to achieve it. You have the chance too. Explore it.

Oh yea, the gold sippy cup for Blue idea is cute.