Saturday, March 01, 2014

Almost to the My 20's

It's officially one more month until my 20th birthday. However, I don't know whether to be overly excited or fearfully dreading it. My emotions are all over about my birthday. I hate getting older. It only reminds me of what I haven't accomplished yet.
No boyfriend. 
No license or car. 
Still living with my parents.
No career or college degree. 
Still living in my hometown. 
All of these things I lack in my life are linked together. I don't have a boyfriend because I don't have a license or car.. No one wants to date a girl catching the bus. Why? Because she's still dependent on others. I'm still living with my parents because I'm still in college which means I still have more work to do to be on my own. Living in my hometown? Well, I go to college here so its pretty hard to leave. I believe these things bother me because I see my friends exploring their life with no regrets. Many of them have significant others, live out of state or having children. Yet, I'm slowly making progress to get out of the hole I feel I'm destined to live in.

Aside from my guilt over aging, this quote made me feel hopeful for my 20s.

"Your 20s are your 'SELFISH' years. It's a decade to immerse yourself in every single thing possible. Be selfish with your time and all the aspects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little and never touch the ground." - Kyoko Escamilla

Kyoko Escamilla is very right. At the age of 20, its time to do the things I have only imagined. I've always wanted to travel, go to parties with my friends (who aren't into that), get over my fear of swimming, have an extreme hangover and go on an actual date. Although, it means getting older, turning 20 may be a good thing for me. As a matter of fact, the age 19 has been a huge learning experience. So maybe 20 will be too. I just need to get my license and a car first.

& I will continue to blog about every experience ;)