Saturday, May 17, 2014

Motivation & New Goals

Lately it has been said on the internet that it takes 21 days to make a habit. That sounds inspirational and all but after thoroughly research, I learned that you do not gain a new behavior in only 21 days. According to a researcher by the name of Phillippa Lally, it takes more than two months (exactly 66 days) to form a new habit. While its nice to believe that I can change my entire thought process in as little as 21 days, it is unrealistic and I can't focus on that. Instead, I must look forward obtaining new goals, new challenges and overcoming my depression in 66 days for good this time. Sixty-six days seems like a reasonable amount of time to change my overall thinking & I have a plan to do so. To set my plan in stone, I plan on posting right here for the entire world to read, my future plans without revealing too much detail of my goals. I just want to briefly put it somewhere so later on I can reflect on it (hopefully). The key to MOTIVATION is PREPARATION. My motivation will be all over my blog, plastered all over my room and a constant morning reminder in my phone. I am preparing to motivate myself to accomplish my wildest dreams. Alongside preparing myself with inspirational and motivational quotes, I plan to prepare myself by breaking down the elements of my short term goals. So prepare for a long post! This will indeed be one.

Hair Goals/Hair Inspiration(s)
I wanted to begin with my hair goals and share a my biggest hair inspirations first because my hair is a big part of who I am. I began my hair journey in the summer of 2010 when I came across a video of an African American woman with long hair. Her name was ULoveMegz and her hair was relaxed like mine. This inspired me to begin to take great care of my hair. I cut out going to salons and focused on learning my own hair. Sadly I couldn't purchase any of the products I'd like to try until June of 2012, but I did the best I could to use only products that did not contain Vaseline or Sulfate and to cut back on using heat on my hair to only once per month. Over the course of two to three months, I noticed an entire difference in my hair. It was growing more and it was beginning to look less damaged. Therefore, I continued my journey. As of today, I am a product junkie and hair enthusiast. I dream that one day my hair will be as long, healthy and thick as the women I have selected as my hair inspirations. Like me, they are all relaxed hair beauties. The difference is each of them are either waist length or longer. Depending on your back torso, that is how you will know whether you have reached waist length or hip length. I have a bit of a way to go to reach this success but I am willingly to strive hard for it.
Ten things to do to reach my hair goal:
  • Find a new shampoo and conditioner that will keep my hair feeling silky and moisturized.
  • Find an oil that will help defeat the dryness of my hair.
  • Drink more water daily.
  • Find new protective styles and try switching them up every month so I do not get bored.
  • Stay focused and motivated.
  • When flat-ironing, use a comb to help smooth roots out.
  • Learn to moisturize (water-based moisturizer) and seal (I believe you're doing this wrong).
  • Spray new growth with water-based moisturizer to stop breakage and help to stretch relaxers.
  • Introduce protein treatments to your hair and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner.
  • Try biotin pills for 60 days. Just to see if there is any difference.
Fashion Goals/Fashion Inspiration(s)
When I was little, fashion did not really concern me. I was fine with anything I put on. Heck, until this day sweatpants are my favorite type of pants.It barely bothers me. However, there is a certain way I wish I could dress. This brings us to the infamous fashion diva Jordan Craig. Her style is so laid-back, classy and professional all at once. These four pictures represent how I would like to dress on a regular. The only problem with dressing like this is money and confidence. My money is currently focused on buying a car but I think I can add a few goals into this section.

Six things to do to improve my wardrobe:
  • Feel confident with your body type.
  • Try to Polyvore each outfit that you think would like good on you.
  • Learn the colors that look best on you.
  • Choose shoes that you can match up with multiple items in your closet.
  • Learn your measurements so you can online shop accurately.
  • Be sure to clean out your closet often. Throw out or donate things you cannot fit and/or are damaged.
Fitness Goals/Fitness Inspiration(s)
My body image is something I have struggled with since puberty hit. Like any normal girl, I wanted to be skinny and fit into any article of clothing that Forever21 & Aeropastale released. Unfortunately, I did not realize that my body would take after my mother's and that the Freshman 15 was real. To make things worse, the media does not seem to mention any girls who wear more than a size 3. I think that had an everlasting effect on my self-esteem. I blamed genetics and the media for the reason I was unhappy with my figure. In all honesty, it is not genetics nor the media's fault that I wasn't happy. It was mine. I have now assumed responsibility for my unhappiness and I plan to change it. In order to begin changing, I made a collage of my fitness inspirations. I found some realistic body types and followed their fitness stories to learn what to and what not to do to achieve my goals. In fact, Ashanti (collage at the top right) is my overall fitness goal. I want to look that good when I am her current age (33). I believe that our body type is sort of the same but since that is further up in age, I decided to look towards some individuals closer to my age. First is ChelseaPB is a former lingerie model and current bodybuilder. In the top photo to the right, Chelsea was around nineteen or twenty years old when those photos were taken. Also, that was years before she began bodybuilding. I chose these photos because I want my stomach to be as flat as hers and my butt to be as toned. If you look as her photos, there is a curve down her back over her butt to her thighs. I wouldn't mind having her thighs too! I believe I can achieve that body type. Next is Yovanna Ventura. She is a model and has recently been labeled as Bieber's new girlfriend. While  I don't know much details about it, I am more concerned about her body. If you see, Yovanna's stomach is flat and her abs are very toned. Alongside that, her butt is round and looks toned. Her body is my dream body minus the toned abs. I can do with just a flat stomach. Yovanna is 18 years old. Just two years younger than me. She shares a bit of her workout regimen on her Instagram, in which I plan to follow. Lastly is viner, model and singer, Liane Valenzuela. I have no real reason why I chose Liane. Don't get me wrong, her body is awesome! I feel that she is a combination of Chelsea and Yovanna. That is why she is last. Plus, the clothing she models for Fashion Nova fit her body so well. That is exactly how I want mine to fit. Just like the others, Liane's body type is what I aspire to accomplish. If my body could be either of these three, I would be okay with that! Overall, I feel this is achievable. I just have to mix cardio and strength training and motivate myself to stick to my workout plan (or Blogliates workout plan). I must remember that it takes two months for my body to learn that workout out is a new habit.
Eight things to do to accomplish my fitness goal
  • Exercise for six days for one hour. Let Sunday be your rest day.
  • Drink 65 ounces of water daily (four 16.9oz bottles)
  • Create a workout plan. Reps should be 8 to 12 and typically 3 sets.
  • Incorporate the lazy girl's workout ;)
  • Eat more fruit (two pieces a day)
  • Set a reminder for motivational quotes to continue working towards goal(s)
  • Get a gym membership if you feel its needed or take advantage of your school's gym.
  • Remember fitness will help your hair goals and fashion goals! 
Education Goals/Education Inspirations
I don't have any inspirations for this segment but I do have many, many goals. Education has always been important to me. Even though I had no idea what I would do when I got into college, I feel as though I have gotten pretty far in life. I'm currently happy with the choices I have made. I don't regret screwing up in high school. If I hadn't, I probably wouldn't have met the amazing people I have at my school. It has made me a better person. For myself, currently, I have the goals below.
Three things to do to accomplish college goals
  • Earn A's & B's to boost my GPA up to a 3.5 so I can be invited to be a part of the honor society Phi Theta Kappa. So you can graduate with honors and the robes.
  • Think of a secondary degree I'd like to pursue.
  • Continue to study and dedicate time to each assignment. Do not take on too much that you can't handle.
Blog Goals/Blog Inspiration(s)
I love my little blog. Its like my own little space on the internet to say and post whatever I'd like. But I have to be honest, I don't keep up with it as much as I should. My posts should be weekly instead of all over the place. I appreciate my subbies a lot for reading and awaiting my posts. I will do better. Pinky promise! As far as inspirations go, I could list a million and one blogs I follow for writing inspiration (trust me, it's a lot), but I'm going to save that for an actual post. For now I'll share the goals and aspirations I have for this blog.
Seven things to do make my blog successful:
  • Finish my Code Academy lesson so I can understand HTML better and design my own personal blogger templates.
  • Post weekly. Even if it must be scheduled to do so.
  • Designate the days I want things to be posted (or at least posted around).
  • With all of the blog hopping I do, comment more and let others know I have visited.
  • Learn more about sponsorship.
  • Send friendly emails to fellow bloggers. Blog friends are awesome-sauce!
  • Learn to filter your post. As raw as you like them, imagine a family member finding your blog. Would they be happy?
I can't wait until my life falls into place the way I want it. With God on my side, I can do this. I am very optimistic about this.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
–Napoleon Hill
