Dear 14 year old ReRe:
I call you ReRe & not Reisha because at this age, you don't like your real name at all. Not even Reisha. At this age, you're an A & B student and have no idea what is about to happen to you in a few months. You're still innocent. I applaud you because the only drama you have at the moment is a boy and his babymama. Trust me it gets worse from February 20, 2009. I want to tell you that although February 20th is going to kill you on the inside and make you unable to be emotionally apart of anything in the future, it gets better. Please stay in your books so you can go to a good college on scholarships. Please keep your head in the game as you deal with grief. & when you feel suicidal because Tiffany isn't around and no one understands, please don't feel alone. Please call Nay, Tia or Staci (she won't be around for long) for help. If that doesn't work, please call the suicide hotline. Find someone and vent. Don't hold it in and damage yourself even more. Now let me tell you about your friends. After high school, you will only have 4 people you talk to. Four. Just FOUR. & none of them are Staci. I understand you two seem unbreakable now but you break up in 2010 over a boy and a fake profile. I'm sorry but this is how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Jamieson did tell you that you come into high school with a bunch of friends and leave with way less than you started with. Also, you will predict the birth of 3 babies. Laugh now but the girls you sit at the lunch table with will all get pregnant after high school and you predicted the order. Another thing, boys come and go. I'm proud of you for staying a virgin and never giving into temptation. However, from holding in your emotions and your secret crushes, you're unable to connect to your emotions in the future. Please don't hold it in. Please do your best to express yourself as much as possible. Re, I hope you're listening. Do your best to cope with Tiffany's death and get your license at 16. This will save you a ton of money on car insurance (even though we still dont have a car now). What else can I share with you? OH! Avoid Start High School boys. Please please please do not get involved. You will have your heartbroken by a guy named Prentice multiple times. He will be something like your first love and you won't know how to react to this. Prentice will only be your boyfriend once. Just once. The rest of the time he will play with your emotions. Don't let him. Let him go and move the fuck on baby. You deserve way better than him and every Start boy you will encounter. On to better things. STOP calling yourself a "bad bitch." You are not a female dog nor are you any type of 'bad.' YOU ARE A QUEEN, REISHA. Act like it. Present yourself that way. You're a beautiful young lady. Stop being so insecure. Go for what you want and if its a guy, tell him how you feel. You only have one life to live and you have to live it to the fullest love. Now about college. Go to a community college first. Get your pre-requisites out the way first. I didnt know what I wanted to be when I got there but everything worked out in God's favor and I am almost done. Don't let your aunt or anyone else tell you what you should go to college for. Its your decision to make baby. Don't let anyone make it for you. Remember no one is doing the work for the degree but you. Do something that will make you happy in the morning and through life. You'll never regret that choice. I think that's all I'd like to tell you. There's so much love I have for you but I'm sure you can't see it right now. Too insecure huh?
I love you little ReRe. Stay fierceeeee.
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