Friday, November 07, 2014


Goodbye October / Hello November 
I'm a little late with my post. My apologies.
But I did give you something to read while I typed hehe.
Also, I am sorry for the half post. I didn't mean to hit publish so soon!

College is a handful at the moment. So many due dates and so many tests. My brain is completely fried. Also, I decided to only take 15 credit hours instead of 18 credit hours. I forgot that the workload will be crazy for each 4 hour credit class. Aside from that, I did receive some good news regarding my GPA on Monday. I guess back when I was struggling with a math course, I petitioned for a grade appeal. I don't actually remember it or any details of it but mysteriously, I received an email that my grade was changed from a C to a B. It also greatly affected my GPA which I am entirely grateful for. My grade point average went from a 3.0 (with the C) to a 3.2 (with the B). That means if I pass all my upcoming semesters with good to great grades, I will graduate college with a GPA of 3.5 or more. Currently, that is my biggest goal. I wanted so badly to graduate high school with honors (and I should have) but doing so in college means a lot more because the work is harder and the degree is worth it. I don't plan on stopping at an Associate's Degree. I want to continue on into Healthcare Administration and graduate with a Bachelor's Degree. If I graduate with honors, there's a possibility I can attend the college in my hometown for free (only grants and scholarships). I worked so hard for this moment and to see my dreams blossoming in front of my eyes is so heart warming. Dreams don't usually come true for a girl like me!

Work is crappy. I'm beginning to hate my job. I think I hate the hours the most. It is currently Friday, November 7th, 2014, my boss is in surgery somewhere, I haven't had a customer because every machine (including the phone) is broken and I'm all alone from 8am until 4:30pm. Frankly, I'm stuck here doing nothing until 4:30 pm. Another thing I hate is that because of Daylight Savings, I am forced to walk in the dark around 6pm when I'm getting off of the bus. I'm afraid of the dark... Not at home in my room dark but outside all alone with a heavy book bag dark. (Should I really be voicing my fears on here?) I can't go home without the permission of my supervisor but she is nowhere to be found or heard of. Anyway, on the bright side of things, I got my license on November 4th :) That is a blog post all for its own. Hopefully, good things are to come from that!

I don't really have an interest or time for dating. I mean I do but I don't. It isn't a necessity. Its just a pleasure. It is one that I don't have time for due to school and the need for a car. Maybe later? Maybe not.

I need to work on my health. I seriously think I'm fat lol. I gained 10 lbs within two months of being on medications and I absolutely hate it because it shows in my stomach. I feel like I eat a lot more than usual now.

My friends lately have been my family. I'm super close to them. I'm also very grateful for that.

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