Sunday, October 05, 2014


Howdy people! I've been away for some time. Kinda. My posts seem to vary here and there. I hate it just as much as you do, I swear. But I have good reasoning why I've been away for so long. SCHOOL. Yup, school. You know how I constantly tell you it takes over my life? Well that's 100% true. Especially now. But I'll get into that soon. Just so you can understand how truly sorry I am to you and myself for being away so long, I thought you should know washing my hair is my stress reliever. Shhh, there's a secret for ya ;) Onto business!

College is stressssful. I cannot wait for December of 2015. The stress of turning in assignments is becoming too much for me. I have a test every day I attend class and taking anatomy and physiology as an online class was pretty stupid of me. I have learned my lesson however. With college, I am now being pressured by the world to get my license and somehow a car before January. I need to drive in order to attend clinicals during next semester. Next semester I will be expected to be in class Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am to 830pm. This is bad because I will be required to catch the bus at 730am to make class at 9am and I won't get home from class until 10pm. That is a depressing thing to consider but I have to do it to graduate in December of 2015. I really need my license. Speaking of which, I renewed my temps today and the woman who failed me twice was there, behind a desk. Figures the time I don't have to take the test is the time she's not administering it. Great. Just great.

Work is horrible. I don't know where to begin with that drama filled place. I am currently only working one job and plan to keep it that way until I graduate from college. Doing so, I need a job that works with my school schedule and right now, my school job is the only one willingly to do so.. Despite the hatred I have for the way my boss handles things, I must say I love how easy the job is. It allows me to concentrate on my homework and still get paid while doing so. I won't entertain the drama on my little space on the internet.. not today.

Dating is overrated.. or maybe I'm just not doing it right. I joined a dating app called Tinder after a few friends recommendations. So far I have 30 matches and only seriously like 1. Yet he forgets to reply to me so its like we don't even speak. He has a lot of potential but I don't know what to say to even turn the conversation that way. Moreover, where would I find time for a boyfriend? Womp. If you read my latest post, you probably know that I was recently curved by an ex. Curved means to get rejected or turned away. Don't ask where I learned this term but it seemed fitting for the situation. Anyway, I was rejected by ex.. or so I thought. He ended up calling me four days later and we spoke. After speaking, I spent the whole weekend thinking maybe I didn't miss him. Maybe I just missed the moments. Moreover, maybe I just needed some type of closure and seeing as he's not doing anything that I'd like in a boyfriend, I know that its over with him. Yet I'm not completely over him. Frankly, I still love him. That is why no one else can get close to me until I can let go of him. Somehow.. damn..

Health is pretty sweet. I'm working on mentally becoming a better person or at least a normal functioning one. Its a hard process. Even harder to deal with in the mornings. I wouldn't wish the symptoms of depression onto anyone. & if you didn't know by reading my posts, I am a victim of depression. I am clinically diagnosed and everything. Its an ongoing battle but I am fighting this war until I have won. I won't be brought down again.

My friends are a different story. Some of my relationships have become very distant after being diagnosed. I don't talk to my friends as much as I had. Actually, I've been focusing on family a lot more these days because of how my friends have been treating me. I don't know. Maybe its for a moment thing but I do miss them. Our schedules just clash. They're always working and I'm so involved in homework.

Well, that's my life in a nutshell. I'll see you guys in two weeks for the next Lately post ;D

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