Friday, August 15, 2014

Preparing 4 The Upcoming Semester

This school year will be more stressful than any school year before. In previous years, I never had to worry about buying scrubs or buying really big books because I was taking pre-requisite classes that didnt require much effort. As of now, I have to buy Olive colored scrubs and a new backpack with wheels (my grandma complains that my regular backpacks are going to damage my back), that I really don't have the cash for. While I barely have the money for books, I now have to come out of pocket for ugly colored scrubs to do clinicals in. & while my grandmother is right about my back and my backpacks, I wasn't lucky enough to find a cheap and sturdy with a design that I actually like. Every design I found was out of stock. So there's my list: scrubs, new backpack and new shoes that are required for my clinicals.

Please make it go away..
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