Monday, November 25, 2013


As I write this, I'm tired from work, I'm hungry, snow is falling and I'm STILL at work. Besides these events, I've been going through some things: happy things.

College is almost over for the semester and I can't be more excited. I've been extremely stressed out about my grades and my progress in my classes that I forget to eat sometimes. I know my grades in medical law and computer concepts is above expected but math and composition is where I'm unsure of. Problems with composition? How? You're in love with writing, right? Correct. Writing is one of my passions but this time it isn't me. Its the teacher. Cliche, I know but its 100% true. She pushes due dates back and gives extra credit through work that isn't on the syllabus. Honestly, I feel as though my papers in her class are excellent. I receive A's. The issues are not attending class, doing the extra credit work. I'd probably be 100% sure of my grade if she actually did grading. Enough about her, onto math. I've always hated math. Never ever been a fan! & now that my entire upcoming Spring semester depends on my grade in math, I'm shitting bricks. Either way I'm stressed out. If I pass math, in order to be considered a full-time student, I must take a total of 5 classes (only 4 count for credits). Yeah I'm NOT excited. If I don't pass math, I'll have to retake that math class (and pay for it myself) and be set back a semester. Therefore, I cannot apply to be admitted into the med assisting program and will need possibly 4-5 more semesters to graduate instead of 3-4. Now that's bogus. Still, I'm trying not to stress. My math teacher is horrible. Pretty sure he believes he's smarter than all his students.

Work is work! Literally! Beginning in October and ending on November 15th, I was working one day (4 hours) a week. A girl was literally broke with $5 left after buying bus tokens and household things like tissue. Between that time, I began looking for another job. I just knew I wouldn't be working the infamous lights event my job holds every year during winter. As much as I wanted to work the season, transportation would be my biggest issue. The buses wouldn't run between the time I got off and it would be way too dark to walk home or even to a bus stop. So I tried to quit my job during the first night of this season. My boss just wouldn't allow it and my coworkers agreed they'd help to take me home. I decided to give it a try. One week later and I'm loving the hours, tired from the work and ready to see the confetti on pay day. I guess I forgot to mention on 11/13 before I was scheduled to work the event, I got a call for an interview for an office assistant position at my school as well as an email from my dad's dream job (details coming at a later date). I went to my interview at my college on 11/20 after rescheduling it from 11/18 because I wasn't happy with myself. The interview went awesome. Even more so that I was offered the position and hired on the spot. Once my background check comes back, I will begin training. Doesn't God work in amazing ways? See this job (my second) will have 0 interference with my first job because my second job is seasonal also. On 12/13, my second job will be over and my first job will end on 12/31. After 12/31, I'll have a two week break before school comes and job #2 begins. Job #2 is only open when the college is open. Meaning no holidays to work! Along with that job #2 ends in April/May when job #1 will be calling me back to work. Works out perfectly right? I may work both jobs in the summer if #2 is open! Shout-out to the fools who told me to quit working seasonal work and get a permanent job! I'm excited.

Dating relationships are not for me. They're good for a month then I get played. As I've written, my boyfriend and I have split. He wasn't good for me and I thank God that he's gone but I miss the friendship we had. Oh well. Nobody wants a person who continuously plays games and cheats. At least I don't. Other than that contastrophy, my love life has been pretty dead..even nonexistent if you must. I see some interested but I'm not ready to act on it. I have a crush now but I'm not ready to act on him. Frankly, he's not paying me any mind anyway. So what now? Just chill. Eventually someone will come along and spark my interest but for now, there's just me. During this "alone time," I'm focusing on becoming a better, more improved me: changing a few things, working towards and completing a few goals while enjoying the golden ages with my "taken" friends. I'M STILL HAPPY! ;)

Health has become semi important to me since I began counseling in October. My counselor continuously stresses that exercising and being exposed to sunlight will increase your mood and well-being. When I first heard the word "exercise" from her mouth, I began to think "where tf will I ever be able to fit exercising into my busy schedule?" One month later and I'm still curious. She suggested I should go to the college's recreational center and work out or walk for 30 mins, 3 times a week. I walk everywhere I go so that's not much of an issue. But where oh where will I find the time for the college's gym? On planet Neptune maybe. I began researching workouts for home that I could do for 30-60 mins, 2-3 times a week. Blogitates may be my answer. I read reviews and been receiving monthly challenges via email, I just need the motivation to do them. Nevertheless, I want a flat stomach to show off for my birthday or even summer. Cassey Ho of Blogitates has challenges designed for that! I have it all planned out in my head... just gotta find the motivation!

Friendships are never easy. These days you have a limited amount of them. As for mine, these mfs suck. The girls are trying to be healthy; workout and not go out to eat. The guys are trying to get boo'd up for the winter. PAH! They never want to hangout so I'm forced to hang out alone. Me being the girl that I am, I never do things to fit in with a crowd even if they're my friends. I'll just hang out alone! Solo dolo!

Welp, that's my crazy life in a nutshell. I'm hungry and super cold so ttyl. I hope you like the new Lately layout. Wanted to be somewhat creative lol.