I haven't been around much as you probably can tell :(
But I did come back with a post lol.
Its actually apart of a Halloween link-up. Click here to join in on the festivities.
Pride: 7 great things in your life.
1. My family. They're everything to me.
2. My friends (where would I be without their friendship?)
3. Working at the zoo (best job ever!)
4. My personality. I'm so weird but I wouldn't have it any other way.
5. This blog. I never expected to be at 7,000+ views in less than a year. THANK YOU ALL!
6. The determination I have to provide a better future for my family and myself.
7. My hair. I hope I don't sound conceited but I really love my hair. The texture and length and everything.
Envy: 7 things you lack and covet.
1. A better relationship with God
2. Hair to the middle of my back.... I'm a bit obsessed with long hair smh.
3. A beautiful singing voice
4. Flat stomach.
5. Another tattoo (I procrastinate this a lot)
6. My degree (at least one of the three I wish was mine)
7. Motivation to attend classes.
Wrath: 7 things that make you angry.
2. When someone ignores my phone call or text
3. Bad grades
4. Slow drivers
5. Having less than $30 in my bank account
6. A dead battery -_-
7. Being misunderstood and unappreciated
Sloth: 7 things that you neglect to do.
1. Exercise (yet I really want a flat stomach smh)
2. Attend classes (I do the work just don't show up)
3. Get my license
4. Over-thinking situations
5. Practice math problems (eh)
6. Give my ex back his hoodie
7. Save money to go Black Friday shopping
Greed: 7 worldly material desires.
1. An infinite amount of clothing & shoes (from any store I pleased)
2. Derrick Rose (he counts right? yes he counts)
3. A well furnished condo in Houston, Texas
4. An iPhone
5. A baby blue Chrysler 300 (after college, it will be MINE)
6. Yeaaahhhh, I can't finish this section.
Gluttony: 7 guilty pleasures.
1. Derrick Rose
2. Twitter
3. The Big Bang Theory show
4. Laying in bed all day while singing love songs
5. Singing love songs.
6. Online shopping (I refrain from it because I always order the wrong size)
7. Heels... I have no many... don't wear them much.
Lust: 7 things you love about love.
1. Corny text messages
2. Cuddling
3. The butterfly feeling in your stomach
4. Knowing someone loves you just as much as you love them
5. The deep conversations with one another
6. Being proud to tell the world "hey he/she is mine & I love him/her."
7. Adorable couple pictures