I was lucky to be nominated by Kendel over at Little Misadventures for the Liebster Award! This is my first ever reward and I am so honored to be nominated! Love you dollface! Well, for the newbies (such as you reading this and me writing this), the Liebster Award is awarded to blogs who have less than two hundred followers. I am currently at 10 followers (YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME) with 23,530 views (I'm grateful for those too!). Thank you to everyone who reads my little space on the internet.
I appreciate you mucho ;)
Anyway, back to the point! With great power comes great responsibility and this award has that! The rules are:
- Post the award on your blog.
- Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
- Write 11 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
- Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.
I am going to start with 11 facts about me, but I cannot nominate anyone with less than 200 followers because those that I follow are way above that. But if you would like to be a part of this, I NOMINATE YOU! & I will provide you with questions if you email me (mynameispeabo@gmail.com) you're accepting this challenge! Lehgooooo =)
Facts about me:
- I am 5 feet even. Save the short jokes. I've heard them all!
- I have a little over a year until I graduate. I'll graduate on December 11, 2015!
- I call myself the only child but I am not an only child. I have an older brother who is alive and a younger brother who is deceased.
- I have rode to school in a police vehicle but I have never been arrested. Its actually a funny story. I was in the 5th grade.
- Five is my favorite number!
- I watch at least 5 court shows when I'm not at work or at school. I love the People's Court, Judge Mathis, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Judy and the Hot Seat so much. These shows have taught me a lot.
- Once I graduate I want to purchase and fall in love with a Morkie puppy. They're so cute.
- I am a aunt to a puppy. A Pomeranian to be exact.
- I love food. Yummm.
- I wanted to be a writer but felt I'd be in a lot of debt trying to accomplish that dream.
- This is more of a secret than a fact but I don't like wearing lotion in the Winter. I hate how sticky it feels.
Onto Kendel's 11 questions!
What motivated you to start blogging?
I wanted somewhere to post my thoughts. Diaries and journals werent working because when I wanted to write, my thoughts vanished. Plus, it was easy for me to lose. My blog isn't a big secret but it also isnt very public. That's what I wanted.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
If I could have any superpower, it would be teleporting. That way I wouldn't need a car, a license, I'd get to wherever I needed to go in seconds. Life would be so much easier for me. But I would also like to be able to teleport my friends or family with me if needed. Like maybe if I hold their hand and teleport, they'll come along!
If you could only have one thing on a deserted island, what would it be?
Chinese fried rice.... I need it. I crave it. I love it.
Tell us three things that you like about yourself.
I like my lips, my personality and my nickname. I don't exactly know why I like my lips but the way lip gloss looks on them is great lol. I like my personality because I'm not like other people. I'm weird and I'm okay with being weird. I have a different everyday struggle than others and I think that makes me stand out. I like being different and spontaneous. But most of all, I like being a strong individual. Once I set my mind to something, I go for it.
What type of character would you be in a horror movie? (The one who runs towards the noise, the one who fights the “bad guy”, the one who hides under the bed (and dies), the one who calls 911 but the phone is dead, the one who injures themselves trying to get away, the person who actually gets away OR the badass who is causing all the havoc.)
I would definitely be the person who gets away. I do not want that drama lmao.
What would you title your memoir?
I would title my memoir "The Real Her." I kind of want to rename my blog that.
Describe your perfect date.
My perfect 'first' date (I'm assuming) would be going to the zoo or go-carting then dinner or lunch after. Even a picnic sounds nice.
If you had to live on one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That's so hard to say. I would have to go with iHop pancakes!
Do you believe in fate?
Yessssss. Everything happens for a reason.
What is one of your favourite blogs?
Its been one long semester and I haven't been able to read much of anyone's blog (unless it was sent to my email) so I'm going to have to pass on this one.
What would you do if you had ten million dollars?
Take a trip to New Zealand, buy new clothes, buy a small car, move out of my mother's apartment, help my family members with things, donate to charity and save the rest =)
Thank you for reading!
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