Monday, June 24, 2013

Here to Stay.

After entering the Blog Advice Giveaway on, I realized I may need more advice than Google can help me with for my blog (maybe an actual being). I realized blogging isn't just my outlet from the real world, I'm doing it to prove a point to everyone who told me I wouldn't get anywhere with a degree in English. I allowed myself to be talked out of the idea of writing for newspapers, magazines, blog sites or actually writing my own book. Now I'm studying to become a Medical Assistant.

Writing makes me happy. I don't understand how I could have let someone steal that happiness. That's why I'm not letting my blog go. No matter where it takes me, I'm keeping the happiness I feel inside from running my own blog. I refuse to allow anyone to take it from me. I want this blog to inspire, motivate and make others smile. & for that reason, I refuse to leave my blog *puts foot down*

I promise you, I'll always be here ;)