Age: 18 :)
This is my first blog! (well the first one I plan to keep up with). As you can see, my first post was supposed to be my last post. It was actually 3 years and 13 days ago, I decided to give up. Probably because I didn't know how to use a blog or because i didnt know what to talk about. I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog but I hope you'll be along for the ride. Eventually I'll find out what I'm going to write about but for now, I plan on writing about my weekly struggles with school, boys, work and family. I have so many emotions bottled up inside that when I get near a computer to type or near a notebook to write, I freeze up. Hopefully that changes. The headline of this blog is from Mariah Carey's album name. I absolutely love her music. I didnt think of my blog name by myself. A follower on my twitter had it as her username and I thought it pertained to me. I'm not exactly your Beyonce, top model, or everyday beauty queen. Boys don't look at me and go, "daaannng I want her number." I've never been the girl guys fall head over heels for. My beauty has always been soul deep. But enough of that. Its for another post. Hopefully this blog can be my outlet to the world and the escape from the reality I'm trying to avoid for a few hours. If you're not ready for that, then I suggest you don't read.
Have a great day :)))